Before settling on a particular cat breed as your pet, it’s vital to dig for facts about the animal. One such feature that most pet owners look out for is the shedding pattern.

The Siamese form one of the common cat breeds. Its classic coat presents quite a beauty. And, that leads us to the question, do Siamese Cats shed?

The Siamese cats have extremely short fur and blue eyes.

But Do Siamese Cats Shed?

Despite their extremely short coat, Siamese cats shed. However, the size and length of the fur make its hair hard to notice. For that reason, some people hold to the misconception that Siamese cats do not shed.

Siamese cats experience very minimal shedding that’s often hard to notice. A Siamese cat molts less than other semi-long-haired breeds such as Maine Coon.

That means a Siamese cat isn’t maintenance-free in terms of grooming.

Are Siamese Cats Hypoallergenic?

Some people are allergic to cats. The cause of allergy stems from the protein element in the cat dander (dead skin), urine, and saliva.

Cats that undergo excessive shedding are highly hypoallergenic. That is because as the pet molts, the fur helps spread out the cat dander.

And since the Siamese cat also sheds, and has urine and saliva, it isn’t completely hypoallergenic. As a cat licks her fur, the animal spreads the protein causing allergies to the hair.

Eventually, the saliva dries and the protein becomes airborne. But the good news is the Siamese cat has a minimal level of protein that causes allergy (Fel d 1).

Why Do Some Siamese Cats Shed Excessively?

On an everyday basis, the Siamese cat experiences minimal shedding. But there are times when the shedding becomes very noticeable or even excessive. That can happen due to some reasons;

Changing Season

The climax of the Siamese shedding habit is caused by the changing season. Hence you expect the shedding to climax in spring and fall.

In the spring, the Siamese cat sheds the winter coat in readiness for the warm months. That way, the animal won’t be affected by the high temperatures.

And in the fall, the reverse happens. The light coat gives way to a thicker layer that can brave the cold months.

One way to minimize the shedding is brushing the cat daily to remove the loose fur. Otherwise, you may find fur scattered all over the living room.

Air Conditioners and Heating Devices Disrupting the Shedding Pattern

When outdoors, a Siamese cat’s body can detect the changing season and adapt as the temperature demands. Most people like to keep their rooms at particular temperatures. That calls for air conditioners and room heating devices.

The temperature-regulating devices may interrupt the usual shedding pattern of an indoor cat. As such, you might find your Siamese cat shedding all the time.

A better solution to the problem is making up some time for the cat to go and experience the outdoor weather.

Anxiety and Stress

Stress and anxiety negatively affect Siamese cats, just like human beings. Often, stress causes the pet to look for alternative ways to soothe herself.

That includes excessive grooming. Overgrooming may cause abnormal shedding. Hence, you need to stay on the lookout for any source of stress for your cat.

Relocating to a new home, high pitch noise, and introducing a new pet can stress your Siamese cat.

Poor Diet

For the cat to have strong and healthy fur, it needs a proper diet. Feeding your Siamese on an unhealthy diet causes malnourishment.

That results in weak hair that falls often during grooming. Therefore, ensure that your Siamese cat’s diet is rich in protein, fats, and other valuable micronutrients.

 Underlying Health Issues

Still, underlying health issues may cause excessive shedding. Bacterial, viral, or fungal infections are prime causes of cat illnesses.

Besides diseases of the liver and kidney, parasite infestation can also induce abnormal shedding in a cat.

Old Age Conditions (Such as Hyperthyroidism)

As the cat ages, the animal becomes susceptible to some conditions that lead to excessive fur loss. For example, Hyperthyroidism is one such condition common in female cats, about 10 percent.

It’s caused by hormonal imbalance (caused by the production of thyroid hormones in excess). The condition may lead to excessive shedding, weight loss, frequent urination, increased appetite, and thirst.

Allergic Reactions

Allergy is yet another prime cause of abnormal hair loss in Siamese cats. An allergy can stem from food, dust, insect bites, or even medications. Sadly, it isn’t easy to spot the allergen except with professional help.

How Do You Manage Shedding Problems in Siamese Cats?

The following steps will help:

Do Siamese Cats Shed?

The Siamese cat experiences very minimal shedding day to day. Simple vacuuming of the couch and living room often solves the problem.

But when the season changes, the shedding intensity can increase. If your cat sheds excessively during the off-season, you have a reason to worry.

Possible underlying health issues may include poor diet, allergy, stress, or your indoor temperature regulators might be the cause. A quick visit to the vet will unearth the problem.

Otherwise, a Siamese cat is a nice pet to keep at home!