Are you planning to own a calico cat? If so, consider many things before bringing one home. Calico cats are smart pets, cute, intelligent, and worth keeping at home.

If anyone at your home has allergies, you might wonder: Do calico cats shed?

Yes, calico cats experience normal shedding like other cats. In fact, calico is not the name of a particular breed. They are named calicos due to the variation of colors and patterns. The color and pattern of a calico cat’s coat don’t determine the amount of fur or shedding. Calico cats shed more or less depending on the breed, seasonal changes, coat type, and some health problems. 

Let’s learn more about the reasons for shedding in calico cats and how to manage it.

What Is the Meaning of a Calico Cat?

In North American English, the Calico cat means a white domestic cat with mottled black, orange, and brown patches.

Calico is not the name of a particular cat breed; it is a distinct coat pattern and color. Numerous cat breeds are calicos and may vary in coat pattern and color.

Do Calico Cats Shed More Than Other Cats?

Yes, calico cats also shed, just like all cats do. However, the amount of shedding depends on the breed, coat type, health, and seasonal changes.

Since calico is a variation in coat color and pattern, many cat breeds are calicos. For example, Cornish Rex, Ragdoll cats, Devon Rex, and Japanese Bobtails shed less and are best for allergy sufferers.

Contrarily, Persian and Siberian breeds shed excessively, need extra care, and are not an ideal choice for allergy sufferers.

5 Reasons For Why Do Calico Cats Shed?

Besides breed, shedding in calico cats depends on physical and mental health, nutrition, coat type, and time of the year.

Let’s go through some reasons for shedding in calico cats.

Seasonal Changes

All cats(except hairless breeds) lose a small amount of fur all year round. Since most feline pets live indoors in artificial light; therefore, the seasonal changes and the length of daylight have minimal effects on shedding in these cats.

However, some calico cats shed more in spring and autumn when the length of daylight changes. Excessive hair loss in spring helps to keep your kitty cold during summer. During colder months, cats develop a thick coat that protects them from cold weather.

Poor Nutrition

Your calico cat may experience excessive shedding if its diet lack Omega 3, Omega 6, and taurine. Your feline’s diet should have a high water content to avoid dryness and fur loss.

Most cats are picky about drinking water and suffer dehydration which can cause shedding.

Make sure to provide fresh water and food in clean bowls every day. Also, avoid purchasing low-quality cat food. Cheap and low-quality cat food is often rich in carbs which is not good for your calico cat’s coat and overall health.

Underlying health Issues

Often, calico cats suffer allergies like humans. Your pet may be allergic to a particular chemical, dust mites, pollens, or a plant. You can notice the redness and blisters on the exposed areas of your cat’s skin due to an allergic reaction. Sometimes, your cat may experience excessive shedding due to food allergies.

If you suspect your cat has allergies, talk to your vet as soon as possible. Other health issues that cause extra fur loss in felines include diabetes, hormonal imbalance, Cushing’s disease, osteoarthritis, etc.

Stress and Anxiety

Cats are too sensitive to changes in their daily routine, such as house shifting, welcoming a newborn baby, or bringing a new pet home. Your feline friend may also suffer separation anxiety when you are away from home for longer.

Stress is one of calico cats’ leading causes of excessive fur loss.

Skin Problems

Calico cats may shed more due to skin problems. Common parasites such as dust mites, ticks, and fleas can cause skin irritation and excessive hair loss in felines. You can avoid skin problems in calico cats by following a regular grooming schedule and visiting your vet.

4 Tips to Reduce Shedding In Calico Cats

Calico cats are not hypoallergenic, which means they don’t shed more than other cat breeds. However, if you are worried about your cat’s excessive fur loss, read the tips below to reduce shedding.

Daily Brushing

Daily brushing removes tangles, dead fur, and dander from your cat’s coat. Therefore, brush your calico cat daily to minimize shedding. Make sure to select a brush suitable for your cat’s coat.

Calico cats with a thick undercoat (Siberian, Persian) need a robust brush. However, a grooming glove or a brush with short bristles will be enough for short hair cat breeds.


Excessive baths can remove natural oils from your cat’s coat, leading to extra hair loss. Bathing every four to six weeks is enough for your feline friend. Apply worm and flea treatment as your vet recommends to ensure a healthy coat.

Vet Visit

Cats spend most of the day grooming themselves. If your kitty has health problems, it may over-groom herself leading to excessive shedding. Contrarily, some sick cats fail to groom themselves properly. Make sure to visit a vet to solve any underlying health issue in calico cats.

Also, seek help from a professional groomer for bathing, trimming, and removing loose fur.

Manage Allergies

Provide a clean atmosphere to your cat. Also, manage allergies and install an air purifier with a HEPA filter. Allergy shots also help to relieve allergy symptoms in cats.

Final Thoughts

Hopefully, you got the answer to “Do Calico cats shed?” in this post. Calico means variation in coat color and pattern. It is not the name of a particular cat breed.

However, some cat breeds, such as American shorthair, Japanese Bobtail, Oriental Shorthair, Siberian, Persian, and Devon Rex, have calico patterns.

Shedding in these breeds doesn’t depend on the coat pattern or color. Instead, it depends on seasonal changes, coat type, and health issues. You should consider adopting a short hair calico cat breed if you have allergies.